(765) 427-5142

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Our Vision

We saw a need to share our experiences with other loving pet owners who also are dealing with their pet's cancer or immune deficiency and are looking for options.  We know when you are faced with this difficult situation you do whatever it takes to save your loved one, but the hardest part is deciding what IS the right thing to do for your pet and the ultimate goal is to give your loved one an extension of life.
We know considering putting your pet through any type of surgery is difficult, let alone chemotherapy or radiation treatments.  It is stressful for both you and your pet and a costly venture too, especially when most owners do not have pet medical insurance to pay for the expenses. And the hardest obstacle is communicating to your pet WHY you are putting him/her through the pain and trauma when he/she looks at you with those trusting eyes. 

Our Son and the A'Dobe Angel Crew
Our Son and the A'Dobe Angel Crew

These were our thoughts that led us to, our belief, what was the best course of action for our beloved RCi.  We asked ourselves, "If we had pet medical insurance would we put RCi through surgery to remove the tumor & four ribs, then do reconstructive surgery, cage her during healing process then go through 8-10 weeks of radiation treatments?"  The answer was NO, due to the physical pain she would have to endure and then only have an 80% chance at one year of life, with at least four to six of those months spent in pain. How do we explain we are taking away her favorite thing of playing ball to do this to her? 

Our top priority was providing RCi a quality of life and through our trials and tribulations we developed the name of A'Dobe Angel in honor of her trust, patience and abiding love she devoted to us.  So our mission is to share what we have learned with any and all pet owners, and coach them to be proactive with their pet's health, and let you know we have supplemental products that are high in antioxidants whether you have a healthy pet or one that has been diagnosed with cancer or other immune diseases.  It is about giving a quality of life to our  "fur kids!"

A'Dobe Angel is a private business owned and operated by devoted pet owners. Please feel free to contact us!


Thank you for your interest. For questions or comments,
please use the information listed here. We look forward to
hearing from you soon.

(765) 427-5142

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Have Questions? Contact Jill & Mike Spencer.

General Disclaimer:
Our product is intended for animal use only. It consists of all natural supplements used to support and boost the immune system.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases.
Consult your veterinarian or pet health care professional.