4.) Do Not Let Guilt Guide You — We all know that special care, surgery and treatments may be necessary to save or extend your pet's life and the procedures that are recommend by the vet or pet health care professional are something you may not want to put your pet through. Or the treatment program is an expense that you may be unable to finance. Do NOT let feelings of guilt force you into doing something. Remember, you are the owner of your beloved fur kid. Take control and make the decisions based on what is best for both of you. You know your pet better than anyone and what is best. Your pet will accept your decision because he/she loves and trusts you! Remember, quality of life is the most important thing you can give your pet. So, trust your judgment in what is best and know your fur kid will too!
5.) Exercise is Important — It is very important to get your pet to exercise daily, whether it be playing and chasing a ball/ frisbee, taking a walk, playing with your children or whatever he/she likes to do. Exercise on a consistent basis is definitely a benefit to your pet's health regardless of cancer. It keeps your pet active, healthier and happier and you too! Exercising with your pet creates a tighter bond for the both of you. Because your fur kid sees it as time you are with them and it is time you will come to enjoy as special moments that you will treasure seeing how full of vigor he/she is and loving every second of life!
6.) Keep a Journal — Keeping a journal on your pet's situation will be a valuable tool. Document all information on your pet's situation, what you are feeding him/her, how many times daily, any test results, general health notes and even emotions that you are going through. Do not depend on your memory.
You need to document a starting point so that you can see if there is progress or where adjustments can be made, whether it be medical and/or supplemental treatment, diet, exercise, etc. Record information every week, even if there are no changes. You will see how this will become important information that will guide you in your care for your special fur kid.
7.) Take Control of the Situation — Your pet is depending on you to provide the best quality of life possible. Do not let yourself become bogged down with grief or guilt. Make decisions and take action. DO something about it! When you act, you are taking control of the situation and will be making progress in a positive way! So, why not try APA Antioxidant Booster?