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Facts on Pet Cancer

• Cancer is the #1 killer in pets.
• 50% of all dogs that live to 10 years of age will get some form of cancer.
• 30-60% of all cats will have some form of cancer in their life time.
• Most common types of cancer in pet are skin, mammary gland, head & neck, Lymphoma, testicles, abdominal and bone.
• Our pets are likely to get more than one form of cancer in their life time.

The statistics on cancer in dogs is very alarming. In fact, the current rate of cancer is higher in dogs than it is in humans. According to recent stats from VPI Pet Insurance dogs are:

  • Twice as likely to develop leukemia than humans.
  • Four times more likely to suffer from breast cancer.
  • Eight times more likely to develop bone cancer.
  • An incredible thirty-five times more at risk for developing skin cancer.

Theories on How Our Pets Get Cancer

So the question — why is cancer in our fur kids so prevalent?  The answer likely lies in exposure to toxins & the amount of exposure our pets receive to carcinogens (an agent directly involved in causing cancer) in their environment (or free radicals).

Dogs may actually be consuming carcinogens in their dog food. Some of the chemicals used to preserve pet foods have been revealed to be cancer causing agents. Sadly, mouth cancer is actually the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in dogs. Another possibility is the different preservatives in pet foods — EQ perservative or Ethoxyquin is a common antioxidant preservative in pet foods.  It has been found in some dogs' livers and tissues months after the pet has stopped ingesting it.  EQ is listed as a hazardous chemical by the Occupational Safety  and Health Administration (OSHA) and is considered a pesticide by USDA. It (EQ) is used in most US dog food, but has been banned in Europe. Always check the label and if you don't what it is, research it.   www.healthydogfood.net/cancer.htm

Dogs regularly inhale unseen cancer causing materials. It is natural for out pets to sniff and eat things off the ground — when they do, they are inhaling and ingesting these chemicals directly into their bodies.  Think about it, when does a dog ever really stop sniffing everything it comes in contact with? Carcinogens in the environment due to gravity tend to settle on the ground and other objects, where they remain in trace form until Fido sniffs them up. These carcinogens may have a cumulative effect and eventually cause one or more types of cancer to develop. Insecticides, herbicides and other lawn chemicals such as fertilizers maybe be potential reasons for the upswing in cancer.  

Dogs get a lot of sun exposure. Of course, sunshine and fresh air are both good for dogs, but how many of us consider sun protection for our pets. Yes, responsible owners provide shade for their pets to escape the sun, but on mild days, a dog is just as likely to bask in the sunlight for hours. This can result in a phenomenal amount of ultraviolet exposure and is likely the culprit responsible for so many incidences of skin cancer in dogs.

Rabie shots.  This vaccine has possibly been speculated to trigger activation of cancer cells.  Talk to your veterinarian on denying your pet this vaccine.  If your fur kid has cancer, you can definitely deny this vaccine.

What Can I do?

Prevention - be proactive with your pets health. Feed them items high in antioxidants every day and every meal, daily exercise, and regular visits to your pet's health care clinic.

Detection - if you suspect anything such as strange behavior or find any lump or bump - consult immediately with your pet's veterinarian or health care professional.

Treatment - Talk to your pet's health care professional - never be shy to ask about alternatives, other options, etc.

Research -  if you are ever in doubt Google it -- knowledge is empowerment!   

All your fur kid(s) want is Quality of Life!   Be proactive and keep their immune system healthy by giving them high amounts of antioxidants EVERY DAY!  And do it with APA Antioxidant Booster!

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General Disclaimer:
Our product is intended for animal use only. It consists of all natural supplements used to support and boost the immune system.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases.
Consult your veterinarian or pet health care professional.